Do I need Physio after my Knee or Shoulder surgery?

In short, YES!! You could have the best operation performed by the best surgeon in the world, but it won’t be a success if the follow up care is not correct. A big part of this is Physiotherapy.

Pre-Op Advice: PREHAB

You can start your recovery even before you’ve had your operation, whether it’s arthroscopic surgery or major reconstructive surgery. We tend to phrase this as pre-hab; which basically means doing the correct exercises to prepare your body for the post-op rehabilitation. Your physiotherapist will be able to guide you with this, but some examples may be some postural exercises for shoulder surgery, strengthening exercises for your knee or advice to reduce swelling around the injury. Basically, the better conditioned your body is before the operation, the easier and smoother your recovery will be.

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Before your operation, be aware of what limitations or restrictions you might be advised of after your op, like wearing a sling or using crutches; as this may affect your ability to work, drive and do normal daily activities. Your Consultant or Physio can advise you on this.

Day of surgery

MLH Physio are a unique private physiotherapy practice, as we operate one of our clinics from the Wilmlsow Hospital, working alongside numerous Orthopaedic Consultants on a daily basis. We always see patients on the day of their surgery to provide them with all the correct information and advice about exercises, wound care, washing/dressing and sling or crutch use.

Post-Op: when do you start Physio

Usually we recommend seeing your Physiotherapist within a week of your operation, to ensure you are comfortable with your exercises, happy with the sling or crutches, and make sure the wounds are healing.

However, we always advise patients to contact us if they have any concerns or questions before that appointment.


·       Listen to your body – use common sense when doing exercises

·       Use pain relief provided

·       Take it easy for a few days to recover from the anaesthetic


·       Return to work too soon

·       Be aggressive with your exercises

Post-operative physiotherapy rehabilitation

Our experience of working alongside many top class surgeons means we are capable of providing high quality rehabilitation, not just at our Wilmslow clinic, but staff at all our clinics are highly experienced in treating post-op Orthopaedic patients.

This experience allows MLH Physio to tailor treatment to each individual depending on his or her operation at every stage of their rehab, from basic range of motion exercises to strengthening exercises after surgery. We work closely with Consultants to follow their protocols, to determine when it’s safe to progress post-operative exercises.


If you have any questions about post-operative physiotherapy and rehabilitation, simply get in touch or BOOK a consultation at any of our clinics in Manchester and Cheshire.